Dear fellow travellers in Middle-earth,
On Thursday 18th April join with your Tolkien fan friends from around Australia and New Zealand for an enjoyable evening of sharing, learning and discussion.
We will start the meeting with some time to get to know you and your latest Middle-earth adventures. Perhaps you have an interesting mathom to share?
We may also have a short discussion about early plans for the Ozmoot 2025 Conference to be held in Melbourne in January 2025! And any other news you have.
Then we will delve into “Middle-earth as a post-apocalyptic setting”. The end of civilisation has fascinated humanity since Ur, writers and creatives among them. How does Tolkien’s legendarium fit into this grand speculative tapestry, and how can we characterise other media as Post-Apocalyptic?

We look forward to an enjoyable and interesting evening together.
Tolkien Fellowship Australia
Canberra Tolkien Fellowship
Brisbane Tolkien Fellowship
Melbourne Tolkien Fellowship
Sydney Tolkien Fellowship
Here are the zoom details:
Thursday Apr 18th 2024
7:00 PM SA, NT
5:30 PM WA
9:30 PM NZ
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 889 8733 7545
Passcode: 744733
One tap mobile
+61280156011,,88987337545#,,,,*744733# Australia
+61370182005,,88987337545#,,,,*744733# Australia
Dial by your location
• +61 2 8015 6011 Australia
• +61 3 7018 2005 Australia
• +61 7 3185 3730 Australia
• +61 8 6119 3900 Australia
• +61 8 7150 1149 Australia
• +64 9 884 6780 New Zealand
• +64 3 659 0603 New Zealand
• +64 4 886 0026 New Zealand
Artwork by Naci Caba “Sauron” available for purchase here: